Anger Management Coaching & Hypnotherapy

What if managing your anger was something you could train, like going to the gym or riding a bike?

Something that you could come to understand and relate to in a healthy way given a bit of time time and dedicated practice?

Good news. It is.

But first, you have to be willing to learn new skills and get a bit uncomfortable. Again it’s a lot like training physically, but rather than training your body you train your mind to work with your emotions in a new way.

Anger is actually a really important emotion–it contains many valid messages which we can learn to interpret and respond to with control rather than react from and lose control.  

The first part of managing your anger is learning your triggers and understanding the adaptive origins of the outbursts you experience. Every reaction has a survival purpose, no matter how counter intuitive it may seem. Strange as it may sound, your anger has undoubtedly been working overtime to keep you safe–even though at times it’s wound up wreaking havoc in your life. It’s time we helped you develop a new relationship to this angry part of the self–one that puts you back in the drivers seat.

Using hypnotherapy and self-hypnosis in a structured program I ask you to commit to nine sessions where we work to uncover the roots of the problem, set goals about what progress looks like, and utilize hypnosis and daily self-hypnosis to help you practice relating to your anger differently. 

Isn’t it time to start showing up differently in your life?

Message today for a free fifteen minute intro call where you can learn more and see if we’re a good fit or to sign up now.